5 Steps for Better Fuel Economy! : All Vovo's Official Blog
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5 Steps for Better Fuel Economy!

by All Vovo on 11/08/13

We will admit that we are re-running this list from our blog nearly two years ago, but we felt it was important to keep this kind of information current with you all.  This leads us to re-racking our Five Easy Steps for Better Fuel Economy!

These days, just about everything in today's cars is computer controlled. The computer takes gets its information from the many "sensors" located on the motor and makes a "calculations" on how much fuel to give the motor. Even with these more "Complex" Fuel Injection systems, the basics of the cars of "yesterday" still apply now, just as they did on the very first cars.

I'd like to share these important tips for improving your gas mileage:

1. Check your vehicle's tire pressure often (at least once a month).

Pretty simple, huh? Remember as a kid trying to push a bike with low tire pressure? Now, think of your 3000 lbs. car with low tire pressure! You can check your owner's manual for the correct settings (If you do not have an owner's manual, I highly suggest you get one because there really is some great information in it that you may need in the future, like how to change a flat tire, etc). Also, remember that auto repair shops, including All Vovo, will check and adjust your tire pressure for free with your oil change or any other Volvo service.  Another good reason to bring your car in regularly.

2. Keep your vehicle "basics" properly tuned and maintained.

Believe it or not, under all those shiny plastic parts, wires, and expensive electronic stuff is a motor that still needs the basics. These basics are good fuel flow, spark, and airflow. A dirty air filter, or worn out tune-up parts will wreak havoc with your fuel economy. It can even lead you toward an "involuntarily" ride to the shop on the back of a tow truck one day. I can't tell you how many expensive fuel pumps we have replaced due to a restricted $30 to $45 fuel filter that should have been changed with a "scheduled service."

3. Make sure you service the Fuel Injection system at least every 30,000 miles.

I know that most of the manufacturers are now claiming that their vehicle can go 100,000 miles before its first tune-up. In my opinion and from past experience, I feel that this is way too long to extend service. In military terms where the equipment has to be "mission ready", the vehicle must be regularly serviced and inspected consistently. This allows them to prevent potentially disastrous breakdowns from occurring. It is much cheaper to maintain a clean fuel injection system, than it is to replace expensive fuel injection parts.

4. Monitor and, if needed, adjust your driving patterns.

If you are a "lead foot", this is bad news for you. You may have heard that the new fuel injection systems are so fuel-efficient that the new cars "sip" gas. This is only true if you drive the vehicle conservatively and accelerate lightly from stop signs. If you are like 80% of us, this is just not realistic. And, if you are that guy that has a hard time realizing that this is not a NASCAR race, then your fuel economy is even worse. When you really put the accelerator down, the fuel injection system makes power a priority, and fuel economy takes a back seat.

The key is to plan ahead and allow yourself more travel time to get to where you want to go and enjoy more of the drive, rather than just rushing back and forth. It may seem corny, but once you start to drive more conservatively, your gas mileage will go UP and your stress level could go down.

5. Cut down on the amount of driving that you do.

This is a pretty funny answer, but think about it. How often can you put a little more effort into planning ahead and combining trips? Figure out the best route to cover several errands in one trip. Or, better yet, try another transportation option if possible: walk, ride your bike, ride the bus, car pool, or just don't go! Pretty simple stuff, but when you drive less, you see the gas stations and repair stations less, and this will save you money in the long run.

Comments (1)

1. Auto Repair shop said on 12/9/13 - 11:48PM
Nice Blog Thanks for providing such a useful tips about increase fuel economy. Now a days fuel efficiency becomes necessary for car. http://www.premierautoofswfl.com

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