Fuel Tips AND Tip # 1
by All Vovo on 10/10/10
As most of you already know, just about everything in today's cars is computer controlled. The computer takes all the information from the many "sensors" located on the motor and then makes a "calculation" on how much fuel to give the motor. Even with the "Complex" Fuel Injection system, the basics of the cars of "yesterday" apply now, just as they did on the very first cars.
I'd like to blog some of these important tips here. So, here's TIP #1 for improving your gas mileage:
1) Check your vehicle's tire pressure often (at least once a month).
Yes, it is that simple. Remember as a kid trying to push a bike with low tire pressure? Now, think of your 3000 lbs. car with low tire pressure! You can check your owner's manual for the correct settings (If you do not have an owner's manual, I highly suggest you get one just just because there really is some great information in it that you may need in the future, like how to change a flat tire, etc). Also, remember that most service places, including All Vovo, will check and adjust your tire pressure with an oil change if you do not want to mess with it.
So, that was TIP #1 for improving your gas mileage. Stay tuned to this blog for the next valuable tip!