If You love your Volvo? We Love your Volvo!
by All Vovo on 07/10/12
We talk a lot about being big fans of Volvo. Since it's the ONLY brand we service, we better like what we're dealing with, right? But remember, whatever Volvo model you have, we can take care of it. You know, there are those Volvo fans that like the old school stylings, and there are those that go after the newer, sporty Volvo models, and still others that go after the economy Volvo models----a nice fit for the Seattle Volvo driver. All years and models are within our expertise. We are, after all, All Vovo (All Volvo).
Whether you are an adamant fan of the Volvo brand or just happen to have bought a Volvo for the first time, you might have the tendency to fall in love with your Volvo. There are many reasons to be pleased, and might we suggest that it is also a HUGE benefit to you that there are shops like ours that can cater to the exact needs of Volvo vehicles.
If you love your Volvo, we do too! ....And, we are dedicated to keeping you "in the know" about your vehicle and what it will take to keep it running as close to perfectly as we can get it, while also keeping your repairs and maintenance cost effective. You can trust our recommendations, and those recommendations have kept Volvo owners like you coming back again and again since 1982. We really do want what's best for you and your Volvo, so the next chance you get, we encourage you to bring your Volvo in to All Vovo for any maintenance service or inspection. We're excited about the opportunity to show you that Seattle Volvo owners can trust that we love your Volvo as much as you do!