Volvo Innovates "Coolness"
by All Vovo on 06/03/12
I found a Volvo Blog a called Volvonaut with as section of blogs called "concepts" (find them at: ) that shows another type of innovation that Volvo seems to invest in---"Coolness".
Well, as a life-long fan of Volvos---the old, the new, the safety, and all of their idiosyncracies---it's pretty nice to see that they have all the state-of-the-art looks that any other manufacturer has, and more!
The best part is that they are not all flash and looks. I mentioned in a blog article before that they are the creators of the latest pedestrian sensory systems, and even pedestrian airbag systems. But, for a quick "ooooh" and "ahhhh", check out some of the concepts and pics being tossed around on the Volvonaut Blog. If you're a Volvo fan like me, it's pretty interesting and fun.