Volvo wants to make cars "harder to crash"!
by All Vovo on 07/17/13
The folks at Volvo are at it again! We've posted many times about the history and tradition of Volvo being steeped in safety-consciousness and innovation. A recent post on the Autocar website (read it here: ), refers to recent demonstrations by Volvo on how they can create cars that actually "steer, stop, and avoid obstacles both during the daytime and at night. Volvo is also developing cars that can park themselves and return to an agreed pick-up point at the tap of a smartphone screen."
The article claims that since emission standards in Europe are getting stricter every year, auto-makers have to use lighter and lighter materials for the sake of fuel efficiency. The problem is that lighter materials don't allow for strong protective structures to protect drivers in case of a collision. So, the minds at Volvo decided to "develop cars that are harder to crash, rather than ones that will protect occupants more if you crash," as the article explains.
The technology is already in existence and in use in many of their vehicles---camera, radar, night vision, gps, etc. The technology also should remain a low-cost addition to their vehicles. The development and honing for a precise autonomous experience seems to be 5 or 10 years off.
Volvo is striving to innovate once again, and will likely license this technology to other automakers. Incredible how even though the years, Volvo ends up in the same place in creating safer experiences for drivers.
The idea is to take the driver error out of the safety equation, that likely will eliminate the largest portion of auto-safety issues. Some of the specific aims of this technology are: to have strong animal detection and reaction to possible animals in the roadway; to sense road edges and barriers, and steer away or brake as necessary; create car-to-car communication, protecting you from rear-ending cars that are braking; and to protect pedestrians and cyclists in the dark, by sensing them and avoiding them when necessary.
I realize that many of the folks that come to us for Volvo Repair Seattle are old-time Volvo fans, with cars that are as old as our shop (est. 1982), but new Volvos have just as much of a draw today, as they have continued to keep with the times and the needs of the driver. If you've become a fan of how this company has maintained a quality identity and innovative mindset over the years, then this is just one more reason to remain a fan. Models new or old are welcome at our shop, and we're excited to see the history of Volvo's success every day at All Vovo! Cheers to Volvo and Seattle Volvo owners!