Five Tips for Making your Commute less of a Drag : All Vovo's Official Blog
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Five Tips for Making your Commute less of a Drag

by All Vovo on 02/04/13

Many of our Volvo driver friends out there in the Seattle area, come to us from afar, and many have to travel quite a ways just to get into work as well. We are always into keeping drivers safe and "in the know' about their cars on the subject of Volvo Repair. Now, we've compiled some popular ideas, and put together a list of tips that we thought might help make your commute more bearable---even ways to stay healthier.

Here are the list of tips that might help you deal with and even use your commute to your advantage in some ways:

1. Listen to an audiobook, mellow music, or news while you drive.

You can get into a book of fiction that you don't have time to sit down and read, or instead of zoning out on TV news at home, you can get all that news in the car and spend your home-time doing something else. Mellow music might help ease the nerves on frustrating commutes as well. Also, if you haven't tried listening to comedy in the car, try it! It can also help brighten your mood while entertaining you and making you laugh.

2. Call friends and catch up!

Using a hands-free device, of course, you can use the time to call friends that you "never have time" to call. Well, you DO have time, and it may even help you use the time to your advantage! Call your mom, call your old friends, call and make plans for the weekend. Keep it cool and fun and keep your eyes on the road while you do it.

3. Make business calls.

Maybe you can call a few of those folks from the road instead of the office. Might allow you to leave a little earlier and handle some business on the road. It may even help you network and sound more available---good steps toward having and even better career future.

4. Bring healthy snacks.

You can avoid the urge to pick up unhealthy foods, and you can save time in the morning by eating breakfast on the road. Trail mixes are very easy to take with you, as are fruit, and health bars of all types.

5. Take care of planning and brainstorming.

Do you have creative projects that need time for thinking and planning? How about a side business plan? Do you write music? Or poetry? Maybe you like to set goals, or plan weekend physical activities. Well, you can use this valuable "windshield time" to brainstorm and get ideas together. A digital voice recorder (included in most smartphones) will be beneficial, so that you can make notes later.

Volvo auto drivers are usually a bit more "take charge" in their approach to life. That's why many of them choose a vehicle that has so many intelligent benefits to the owner. Hopefully, our commuter friends will see these as tips to "taking charge" of their commute and getting ahead of the game instead of letting the commute drag you down.

Comments (1)

1. Dangerous to call said on 11/19/15 - 10:04AM
Please do not use the phone while driving, even when using a handsfree device. It increases the distraction level while driving.

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