Holiday Driving Tips for You and Your Volvo!
by All Vovo on 12/17/12
Holiday Driving Tips for you and your Volvo!
We love keeping safety tips and advice in front of our customers. We've covered most subjects on our blog, including tire inflation, and even pedestrian safety. I thought if I did a little search on the internet, maybe, just maybe I would find a list of tips or ideas that related to the Holidays. Lo and behold, it turns out the Iowa Department of Transportation had just such a list (thank you to them, you can find that document at: )
Okay, it's a lot of the same winter driving and travel tips you've heard from us before. It's possible though, that with all the holiday bustle and the importance of making it out to those family gatherings, we forget to take proper road precautions. This is, at least, some food for thought (to go along with all of the Holiday food us Americans will be overeating--haha).
Some of the tips we wanted to highlight:
- Before your trip, make sure your vehicle (Volvo) is tuned up and in good shape for travel. This becomes increasingly important in winter driving conditions.
- Be flexible in setting your travel plans. Leave early if you can, to avoid peak traffic hours. How much more important is this if you have to travel through or past Metro Seattle? If snow is in the forecast, or even icy road conditions, consider changing your schedule. Better to reschedule than risk your life.
- Stay fresh and alert when driving. Take plenty of breaks and be realistic about what you can handle. If you get tired, get off the road for a little bit, and get coffee, fresh air, or whatever will get you back to "alert" status. It's even better to rent a motel room for the night, than risking a crash due to falling asleep at the wheel. Many crashes are single-car accidents that occur in the early morning hours, and when they aren't caused by alcohol, they are caused by tired drivers.
- Keep your speed down! And, give yourself plenty of time and distance to react to traffic situations around you.
- If you will be drinking alcohol this holiday season, PLEASE consider using a designated driver to avoid any sticky situations on the road. One way or another it could be VERY costly. Let's be responsible.
Be safe and Happy Holidays from All Vovo! Your Seattle and Bellevue Volvo specialist!